Requirements: BlueJeans Relay download package (software and documentation), provisioned account, on-premise server, calendar service (Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019, Office 365, or Google Calendar), Android tablet (4.2 and later) for each configured conference room, Relay Touch app. Provide the same, simple join process for room systems from multiple vendors.Let participants touch-to-join a BlueJeans meeting, with no need to dial, pair, or enter a meeting ID.Deploy everyday Android tablets in your conference rooms to display scheduled online meetings.Integrate your calendar service (Exchange 2010/2013/2016/2019, Office 365, or Google Calendar) with your BlueJeans service.

Please submit this form to provision your account. Relay brings touch-to-join simplicity to most H.323- and SIP-based conference room systems. The API lets you partly or entirely code with Python in Android Studio.BlueJeans Relay is a software solution that integrates customer on-premise components and applications with the BlueJeans cloud. Chaquopy is a software development kit that integrates with Android Studio and its environment. While Python isn’t available in Android Studio, you can still use the program for developing in it. Furthermore, there are design tools for the layout and navigation editors. You can find a full list of shortcuts for each development platform. The Studio lets you program on Mac, Windows, and Linux with Java, Kotlin, and C/C++ languages. Which language is used in Android Studio? Follow the setup wizard prompts to complete the installation.Choose if you want to import previous settings.Drag Audio Studio and drop it in the Applications folder.Obtain and open the Android Studio DMG file.You can download and install Android Studio on Mac computers by following the following process:

The layout editor has a drag-and-drop feature with the ability to use multiplier screens to preview the content. For instance, there are refactoring and bug-fixing tools for advanced coding, and also integrates with Firebase Cloud Messaging. Android Studio is the integrated development environment (IDE) for the Android operating environment and has a long list of features.